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Behaviour Analysis and Forensic Psychology

The Mentor Academy is a programme offered in collaboration between Mentor Forensics and PDF. It provides a postgraduate certificate route towards an academic and professional qualification. It is aimed at those working in the areas of child protection, offender management, policing and social work. It is structured to reflect a practical and theoretical knowledge of sex offender psychology, enabling professionals working in this highly specialist field to develop their expertise.

A series of workshops are offered by Mentor Forensics as the starting point for the programme. Candidates then join together in Learning Sets to develop their understanding supported by a Learning Advisor. An applied project is undertaken to deliver value to clients and sponsoring organisations. It is validated by Middlesex University.

This qualification also provides a path towards continued postgraduate study at Masters and Doctorate level. Candidates completing this award have a specialist route to the Masters in Professional Development (Applied Trauma Psychology).

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