MSc Professional Development (Applied Neuroscience in Organisations)
Developments in laboratory neuroscience through the 21st century are for the first time now providing an understanding of the brain in action that is of real and practical importance and application in leadership, business and executive coaching. In consequence there is a hugely important historical shift beginning to happen in understanding human behaviour. What was at best descriptive psychological theorising is emerging as a new discipline grounded in an explanatory body of knowledge called Applied Neuroscience.
Many major organisations are starting to apply an understanding of the brain in their leadership development work, marketing, HR, talent management and executive coaching. The source of profit begins to be seen to be the way the brain manages individual energy and how that is channeled or blocked organisationally in pursuing strategic and operational as well as personal goals.
This innovative, leading-edge MSc Programme (doctoral level study through PDF is also an option) will give participants:
- A scientifically grounded working knowledge of then brain
- Insight into the current state of knowledge and research about the brain with particular reference to what is relevant in the workplace
- An understanding of how the brain energy flow occurs and the neurochemistry attached to different brain states and their impact on performance at work
- A scientifically valid understanding of how the sense of Self comes into being and how that guides behaviour
- A brain based understanding of how a person self-regulates, notably within the organisation context
- The practical application of the knowledge for business professionals within the organisation
- An opportunity to produce original research focused on a specialist applied field such as leadership, change management, strategy, marketing, HR & executive coaching
PDF are no longer recruiting for this programme. It will cease when the current cohort of students complete their programmes.