sharing our passion for learning
PDF.NET Educate

Our Partnerships

Accreditation Partners

Our PhD in Professional Practice: Psychological Perspectives is run in association with Canterbury Christ Church University. 

We are not currently recruiting for this award.

EMCC - The EMCC exists to develop, promote and set the expectation of best practice in mentoring and coaching across Europe and beyond, for the benefit of society.

We have partnered with the University for Masters and Doctorate programmes. We are currently not recruiting for these awards.

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons accredits the CertAVP(VetGP) from Middlesex University and PDF and Vet Learning - The CertAVP(VetGP) is the only designated certificate specifically designed for the GP vet recognised by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Undertaking the programme allows you to recognise and develop key clinical and non-clinical skills that are central to the work of the GP Vet.

We are not currently recruiting for this award.

We are a partner with the University of Chester Centre for Work Related Studies. We offer a professional development route through negotiated studies and some specialist pathways.

We are not currently recruiting for this award.

Programme Partners

BeamPines Inc. - We work with BeamPines to deliver a Masters Degree in Executive Coaching.

Change Partners is South Africas foremost executive coaching provider, founded in 1998 and was the first practice in South Africa to focus exclusively on leadership development of business leaders through customised executive coaching techniques.

Professional Development Foundation (PDF) is a registered GInI Authorised Training Provider®. We work with the Global Innovation Institute to provide linked professional and academic awards. 

Noreen Tehrani Associates - Provide trauma services and training for organisations, practitioners and individuals. It provides a team of highly experienced associates  hand picked for their knowledge and experience in dealing with traumatic experiences.

Psychological Intelligence Foundation CIC is a community interest company and operates as a non-profit educational foundation, undertaking activities that enable participants to increase their psychological intelligence. PIFCIC does this by providing learning about psychological functioning so that participants can increase self-awareness and hence increase their range of emotional and behavioural options.

Taos Institute is a non-profit educational organization that brings cutting edge theory on relational process together with organizational practices. Theory and practice centres on such processes as dialogue, meaning making, team building, organizational integration, innovation, and conflict reduction.  With over 300 Associates in 27 countries, the PDF and Taos Institute together provide access to seasoned educators and skilled leaders from across the world.

Our leadership development programme has been independently verified by The Institute of Leadership & Management. 

The Mentor Professional Development Academy offers a curriculum of specialist courses for practitioners and managers working in the area of child sexual exploitation.

Vet Learning CIC was formed by GP Vets for GP Vets. We are part of a community of business, academic and clinical professionals committed to providing the veterinary profession with academic courses and professional services that enhance professional practice.