More than 1,000 organisations have worked with us. Here is just a sample.
Public and Third Sector
- Agricultural and Food Research Council
- Antioch University
- Association of Professional Executive Coaches and Supervisors
- BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
- Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
- Brunel University
- CAA (Singapore)
- Cabinet Office
- Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development
- City of Westminster Council
- City University
- Civil Aviation Authority
- Dept. for Education & Skills
- Dept. for Employment
- Dept. of the Environment
- English Heritage
- European Commission
- European Mentoring & Coaching Council
- Exeter University
- Food and Rural Affairs
- Hillingdon Council
- Home Office
- Institute of Education (EMU)
- Institute of Food Research
- Knowsley Education Authority
- London University
- Malta Institute of Directors
- Manpower Services Commission
- Medical Research Council
- Metropolitan Police
- Newham College
- Ministry of Defence
- North West Regional Health Authority
- Regents University
- Singapore Civil Aviation Authority
- Staffordshire Police Service
- State University of New York
- Stockport Health Authority
- Suffolk College
- Surrey Education Authority
- Surrey University
- Syracuse University
- Tower Hamlets Education Authority
- University of East London
- University of Siena
- West Midlands Fire Service
- Worldwide Association of Business Coaches
Private Sector
- Accenture
- Amersham International
- Anglian Water
- Bacon and Woodrow
- Beam Pines
- Beacon
- Bell Cable Media
- Birmingham Midshires
- Britannia Building Society
- British Aerospace
- British Airports Authority
- British Airways
- British Petroleum
- BT
- Cannon
- Carlton Television
- Certes
- Chesterton’s
- Coutts Career Consultants
- Elan Computing
- Electronic Data Systems EDS
- Expatriate Management Limited
- Fujitsu - previously International Computers Ltd (ICL)
- GKN Plc
- Glaxo Welcome
- Haskoning
- Hitachi
- IBM Systems
- Laing O’Rourke
- Laurentian Life
- Littlewoods
- Mid Med Bank
- Modis International
- Motorola
- Nat West Group
- Old Mutual
- Pedigree Pet foods
- Pfizer
- Price Waterhouse Coopers
- QA Myriad
- Raid Trauma Network
- Royal Bank of Scotland
- Sainsbury’s
- SMCL Oil & Gas Ltd;
- Spring Group
- Standard Chartered Bank
- Television South
- Tenneco
- Texaco
- Thames Television
- Trust House Forte
- Unilever