PDF Community Enterprise
PDF Community Enterprise was founded to provide research, consulting and education, within the community in order to enhance access to education.
It has brought together various project activities from PDF over the years into a coherent structure to share skills. Examples of previous work that would now form part of this activity include:
Working with partners to create the first masters degree in coaching in the Republic of South Africa to support the development of the field. This project included pro-bono coaching within communities to share skills widely.
Supporting a group of parents to run self help groups to address issues with their children.
Supporting a community project to work with parents of children who were bullied.
PDF has consistently worked to enable high quality education for disadvantaged groups through research and provision of services since its inception. It has also been committed to a sustainable world and in particular environmental health and well being. In its work and advocacy it promotes the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals - https://sdgs.un.org/goals
PDF Community Enterprise maps the activities of PDF to support: